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Mom and baby

Get the best sleep. 
For you and your little one. 

Sleep training and life coaching for moms before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and postpartum. 

Una mentalidad positiva en la maternidad es crucial.


Foto por Madigital 

Hola, mi nombre es María Moreno, soy la directora ejecutiva de Mindful Mother LLC, esposa, madre de un hermoso niño pequeño y mamá de dos bebés peludos.  Soy una ex educadora de arte que enseñó a estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria durante 5 años. He trabajado con niños durante los últimos 12 años. Tengo una maestría en educación artística de la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Soy consultora de sueño certificada y Life Coach certificada: grupal, autocuidado, transformación, arte terapéutico, salud holística y profesional.


About Mindful Mother

Mindful Mother is a transformative company that helps moms free themselves of the constant overwhelm and burnt out associated with lack of sleep, constant distractions, disorganization, and endless to-do lists and instead create a life of balance, serenity, freedom, and rest.

Our mission is to help mothers become more confident in themselves, sleep again, become themselves again, and create a safe and non-judgmental space. We want to listen, support, encourage, inspire, and motivate mothers whether they are trying to conceive, pregnant, or have a child/children.

Mom and baby

Escucha mamá:

Yo sé lo difícil que puede ser. Sé lo agotador que puede ser. Entiendo la presión, las luchas y la culpa de la maternidad. ¡He estado allí! Hay esperanza… 

Baby sleeping

Charla de mamá a mamá de 30 minutos!

Mom and baby and dad

Echa un vistazo a nuestros Planes

El descanso es IMPORTANTE no solo por tu salud sino por tu cordura y la de tu familia.

Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 1.25.16 PM.png

Stephanie Hill

“Maria is a wonderful woman that we have been lucky to find. She has been incredibly supportive as I've been on a sleep journey with my 1-year-old son and 3-month-old daughter. Within a week my baby boy was sleeping through the night. She helps mothers from all walks of life and I would definitely recommend her as a sleep consultant and overall wellness coach no matter what stage you are on your mothering journey."
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